approval codes below
Requirements for CEU
Partial CEU's (40/40/62) ARE NOT AVAILABLE for completion of only one week of training. ​CEU will be awarded upon completion of week 2, post assessment evaluations.This is your board's stipulation as this is a 2-part training. We are allowed to confer a status of completion with award of CEUs after each board (LPCA, LMFT, NSWGA) receives both weeks of the attendance roster and authorizes it. If your part II is before September '22, you will apply CEU to the current cycle. If your part II is after September '22, you will apply CEU to the next cycle.
Regardless of number of CEU being awarded, the LPCA, LMFT, NSW boards only ALLOW a MAXIMUM OF 20 CEU from a singular activity to be admitted for a CEU cycle. Therefore, 20, 200, or 2000 CEUs awarded have the same value with your licensing board.
Must have 70% or better on final assessment.​
All 10 days must be signed in and out (a.m./p.m.) for CEU's.
LPC: 40 CEU's will be available upon completion of the 2nd week of training.
LCSW: 40 CEU's will be available upon completion of the 2nd week of training.
LMFT: 62 CEU's will be available upon completion of the 2nd week of training.
Course completion required to obtain CEU's:
attendance of all 10 days of comprehensive training​
70% or better on final exam
Additional Certificate Option
completion of CEU requirements, additional assignments, amongst other items:​
2 case consultations written, completed in practice, and presented.
5 adherence rater forms
reading DBT textbook
2 small posters: BCA of self, and TIB of team
see full homework list on TRAINING MATERIALS Page
attendance at all 5 monthly trainer-led supervision team meetings
attendance at weekly team meetings (without DBT Trainer)​; attendance must meet minimum 90% of weekly team meetings (must attend 13 of 15 peer led meetings